: are you listening? :

Thursday, February 1, 2007


i've come to realize that my last kiss... wasn't long enough
i am listening to... city & colour
i talk... but i hate my voice
i love... laughter
my best friend... is the love of my life
i hate it when people ask.... "how's it going" but don't expect me to really answer, i mean really answer
love is...
a way of life
marriage is... a lifelong slumber party
somewhere, someone is thinking... why?
i'll always... reorganize
i have a secret crush on... cinnamon dolce lattes (okay, not so secret)
the last time i cried was because... i fail
my cell phone is.... black and blue and gross
when i wake up in the morning... my kitty is mewing and clawing at the door
before i go to bed... i tell kitty he'd better be good tonight
right now i am thinking about... how i should really stop procrastinating at work
babies are... gifts
today i... printed out this really funny Dilbert comic I saw on the weekend and hung it in my cubicle (see 'jan 28' on www.dilbert.com). well i think it's funny.
tonight i will... hopefully eat something healthy for supper (chips and a burrito did not do it for me yesterday)
tomorrow i will be... so glad it's friday! i'm spending the evening with my mommy.
i really want to be... at home in my robe drinking mulled wine and watching something lovely.


Blogger Sindy said...

I hate when people ask about your wellbeing and don't really want to know too. I REALLY HATE IT!

Thu Feb 01, 07:39:00 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will always be re-organizing as well. it's as if things can never be perfect. what an annoyance.

Fri Feb 02, 01:03:00 p.m.

Blogger YVR and his GLOWING FLAIL said...

By the way congrats on getting Nathan to write something (even if it was forced) through your methods of persuation (I'm guessing the pouty face maybe, that's a pretty persuasive face). I know I can't quite comment on his thing so I'll comment to you in his stead. Not that I wouldn't comment on yours, because I would. I just wanted to say good for you. Or him. Or one of you.

Oh yes, and one more question. How's it going?

Wed Feb 07, 11:34:00 p.m.

Blogger Breanne Marie said...

Hey Lauren.
unfortunately i had to get a new blog.

Mon Feb 26, 12:54:00 p.m.


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