my true political self
You are a Social Conservative (33% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (28% permissive) You are best described as a: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. Link: The Politics Test |
basically i'm the Pope, potentially turning into Darth Vader and all other corrupt, sadistic leaders. wow.
Thu Dec 07, 01:49:00 p.m.
I ended up on Hillary Clinton's head. Ouch! At least Bono's pretty close nearby and Gandhi too! Yeah I'm a DEMOCRAT. That sounds scary.
Thu Dec 07, 02:33:00 p.m.
Hey Lauren!
I found something on youtube that I thought you might appreciate... (it may or may not relate to charlie brown) :) haaaa.
It's on my page. check it out.
Sun Dec 10, 02:51:00 a.m.
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