: are you listening? :

Friday, September 30, 2005

so this is love

or is it?
will i write in here as often as i hope i will? will i publish my deepest thoughts? will i be able to convey my thoughts, my desires, my musings, in words?
well. we shall see. oh yes, we will.

post script - please take a moment to view my past journals, which I have conveniently posted below. each were written on the respective day.

Friday, September 16, 2005

i have a moment, one more

weathered mascara, burnt wax on porcelain
full on, full on
rain stained windshield, hazy misconceptions
drive on, drive on
open highways ahead, excusing the opportunity
laugh on, laugh on
sun streaked black sky, facing the dormant
head on, head on
red yellow pink green, beauty catching its breath
purple orange blue, undermining the clouds...

good thing i am not the wicked witch of the west.

deep thought for the day?
every monday should be a holiday.