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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

spring spring springing

you've already captured me...

life has taken me by surprise in the past month. it's almost scary but at the same time i know it is so right... those who have ever been in a serious relationship might know what i mean. it's like i was running full speed into the unknown and all of a sudden have swung into a completely different direction where everything i know stays the same but suddenly life has a different colour to it...suddenly a huge change in perspective o­n what love really is. a month ago, i was happily single. finally at the point in my life where i was content with just me and God; ok with a future relationship but not actively looking for o­ne. many people told me 'it'll happen when you least expect it' and i laughed it off because i knew it couldn't be for a long while. just over a week later, i ate my laughter like you eat your words when you forget to knock o­n wood. God surprised me and in some ways i was hoping it wasn't Him... "I'm finally happy being single, and finally beginning to discover Your plans for my life..I don't have time or attention to give to someone else, especially when i don't believe in casual dating!!"... thoughts like that ran through my mind. yet i have learned not to take anything for granted and realized that i was being presented with a choice... a choice and a wonderful opportunity. God said yes in many ways and so here i am. i am still the same person and i guess that's why i don't find this as scary as it was in the beginning. it is not warping who i am unlike past relationships i have found myself in or dreaming about. maybe that's because i know he loves me for who i am, as i am, regardless. what's it like to think that i very well could be married within the year? isn't three official weeks too early in a relationship to tell? it could be different because i've known him for two years and we've already built that initial foundation... almost like nothing has changed in the past month bar the boyfriend/girlfriend label.

it's not that i know we will get married indefinitely. it's that i know it could happen and i am willing to become ready to love him for the rest of my life. please don't take this as vomit inducing awww-ful revelations. i wouldn't prefer your keyboard to fall victim to your stomach churned reaction... this is my journal and this has been o­n my mind... so i'm writing it. all i'm saying is God has poured out His blessing over my life in ways i never would have imagined and i am so incredibly thankful.

i o­nce heard someone say "don't worry about whether the person is right for you or not. Just focus o­n becoming closer to God as individuals, and if that brings you closer together as a couple then you know you're headed in the right direction." thank you Father, and please continue to guide us. all for Your glory.


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